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Literature Quiz
Which of the following is the best-selling fiction author of all time?
What city do the brothers run away to in "The Thief Lord"?
In Flannery O'Connor's "Wise Blood" the new Jesus is actually what?
In "The Lord Of The Rings", which of the following is not one of the 3 elven rings?
What former television critic for Entertainment Weekly wrote the 2012 thriller novel "Gone Girl"?
The 1959 book titled, "Henderson the Rain King", was written by?
Who watched Aunt Marge's dogs while she visited the Dursleys in the third "Harry Potter" book?
What year was "To Your Scattered Bodies Go" published?
Which author of the poem "Trees" died while fighting in World War I?
The book 'Dazzler: The Autobiography' is by which English cricketer?
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Literature Quiz