Hard Science Quiz
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Average Score: 7
92% knows the answer to this question:
"Which of these teeth is furthest back and can include wisdom teeth?
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"The ancient Greeks and Romans knew all about truffles. What is this truffle?"
Mathematics Quiz
Level: Hard
Average Score: 6
77% knows the answer to this question:
"If two lines both have a slope of 1/3 and they don't share any points, what are they called?
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"If seven erasers equal two pencils in length, how many pencils would equal 28 erasers? "
A War Quiz
10 Questions
Average Score: 9
62% knows the answer to this question:
"What country did Charles de Gaulle become president of after World War II?
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"Who was the most notable leader of the slaves in the Gladiator War which took place between 73 BC and 71 BC?"
General Trivia Quiz
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Average Score: 9
67% knows the answer to this question:
"Ironically, what Swiss dog breed was nearly wiped out by a series of avalanches in the 1810s?
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"What is another word for a champagne glass?"
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Average Score: 9
63% knows the answer to this question:
"Which word is spelled wrong?
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"In what movie does Hannibal say, "Good evening, Clarice," but never, "Hello, Clarice"?"
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Average Score: 8
65% knows the answer to this question:
"Because bakers were worried about shortchanging customers, how many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?
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"Which leader of China died in 1976?"
History Quiz
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Average Score: 9
34% knows the answer to this question:
"What role did Daniel Manning play in Grover Cleveland's cabinet in 1885?
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"Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were married to which English king?"
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Average Score: 9
57% knows the answer to this question:
"What color ribbon is most closely associated with breast cancer, largely because of Estee Lauder VP Evelyn Lauder?
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"Ikea Monkey was a rhesus monkey in a coat who got loose in a parking lot in North York in what Canadian city?"
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Average Score: 8
92% knows the answer to this question:
"You can find the Wailing Wall at which location?
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"It is said that a full 7% of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of what beer, called liquid bread and a meal in a glass?"
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Average Score: 9
42% knows the answer to this question:
"Sam Panopoulous, a Greek-Canadian pizza maker, also claims to have invented what kind of pizza, even though pineapple is not especially either Greek or Canadian?
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"What movie would be known as When Burns Met Albright, if you were using surnames instead of given names?"
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Average Score: 9
78% knows the answer to this question:
"Where in California would you find the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere?
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"Which country's highest elevation point is Konigstein 2,606 meters and is located in Africa?"
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Average Score: 7
66% knows the answer to this question:
"What's Elton John's real name?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who made the 1980s hit that begins with a choir singing: "Turnaround"?"