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Average Score: 7
76% knows the answer to this question:
"In 2014, Peter Cosgrove became the new Governor-General of which Commonwealth nation?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist leader in what country?"
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General Knowledge Quiz
Average Score: 6
46% knows the answer to this question:
"Who warbled alongside crooner Julio Iglesias, dedicating the tune "To All the Girls I've Loved Before"?
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"Its name may come from "Land of Kali," or maybe from the Bengali for "flat area." What city is this?"
Do you know the answer to question 8?
General Knowledge Quiz
Average Score: 9
65% knows the answer to this question:
"Who was tried for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman in 1994?
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"What are the only bear species to be considered marine mammals?"
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Average Score: 7
69% knows the answer to this question:
"Who sang the famous song "Teach Your Children" (1970)
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who sang the famous song "Cold As Ice" (1977)"
Trivia Mix for those who are smart enough!
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Average Score: 9
70% knows the answer to this question:
"Named by John Fremont for Istanbul's Golden Horn, the Golden Gate connects what bay to the Pacific Ocean?
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"Which historical figure is Santa Claus based on?"
Who is going to be the first to score a perfect 10?
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Average Score: 9
47% knows the answer to this question:
"The U.S. uses tons of what to melt roadway ice?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What type of animal is a guppy?"
Sorry, you are just not good enough
to score a perfect 10!
Average Score: 7
94% knows the answer to this question:
"What is the capital city of the Central American country of Guatemala?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is the capital of Nepal?"
Or do you think otherwise?
Find the missing words!
Average Score: 7
65% knows the answer to this question:
"What is the missing word: ... will get you nowhere
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is the missing word: Eat breakfast as a ..., lunch as a merchant and supper as a beggar"
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Average Score: 7
78% knows the answer to this question:
"Which of these was NOT the name of an Emperor of ancient Rome?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is Guy Fawkes known for?"
Maybe you will get lucky by guessing!
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Average Score: 9
52% knows the answer to this question:
"In "A Few Good Men," Col Nathan Jessup warns that "you can't handle" something. What?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"A century ago, people were furiously debating woman's suffrage. What is this?"
Can you prove we are wrong?
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Average Score: 8
68% knows the answer to this question:
"The fluorine in this binds so tightly to the carbon that it won't stick to anything else, included cooked-in food. What is it?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What river literally becomes the Big Muddy after it collides with the Missouri near St Louis?"
95% of the people fail to even score a 6
General Knowledge Quiz
Average Score: 9
92% knows the answer to this question:
"Janet Reno, Michael J Fox, Muhammad Ali and John Paul II all suffered from what disease?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What was the name of the currency in France before the euro?"