Movie Trivia Quiz
Scoring a 7 or better is harder than you think!
Average Score: 9
60% knows the answer to this question:
"Richard Henry Sellers went by what name, because his parents kept accidentally calling him by the name of his stillborn older brother?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What comedy movie includes Dr. Venkman and Ghosts?"
Hard History Quiz
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Average Score: 9
76% knows the answer to this question:
"Who began his second term as President of the United States in 2013?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What Greek word is used to indicate the place of worship dedicated to all the gods of Olympus?"
We mean absolutely nobody!
Mixed Trivia Quiz
Average Score: 9
95% knows the answer to this question:
"If you order your men to hold their fire until they saw the enemy's sclera, what are they waiting to see?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What country gets its name from the old Roman port of Portus Cale, now called Oporto?"
Challenging Trivia Quiz
Only playable if you have a high IQ
Average Score: 9
59% knows the answer to this question:
"Which film is about little plastic toy building blocks?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What are you eating if you're enjoying escargot?"
You will fail at question 11
Mixed Trivia Sudden End
Average Score: 0
77% knows the answer to this question:
"Which film was promoted with the line "She met the perfect man. Then she met his mother."?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What animal is a large bird from the islands of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea?"
Crazy History Sudden End
We bet you won't survive this Sudden End
Average Score: 0
87% knows the answer to this question:
"In what city did the gangster Al Capone operate?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who was prime minister of Britain through most of World War II?"
You won't survive question 9
Play this Sudden End Quiz
Average Score: 0
54% knows the answer to this question:
"What vegetable crop do we pick and eat the ears of?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is the name of the pole around which British children dance on May Day?"
Sudden End
15 questions, but you won't finish
Average Score: 0
86% knows the answer to this question:
"In what ocean would you most likely find glaciers floating?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"In what Gioachino Rossini opera is an apple on Jemmy's head used for target practice?"
Quiz About Music
Only hardcore music fans score a decent 7+
Average Score: 9
76% knows the answer to this question:
"In Barry Manilow's song "Copa Cabana" he sings about a showgirl. What is her name?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who paid Soul Train dancers Geron "Casper" Candidate and Cooley Jackson to teach him the Moonwalk, which he refined for a Motown appearance?"
Only historians can score a 5 or better
But we bet you're not a historian!
Average Score: 9
63% knows the answer to this question:
"Who introduced processed cheese in 1915?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Which famous actor died in 1973?"
Mixed Knowledge Questions
Share if you're smarter than this girl
Average Score: 8
78% knows the answer to this question:
"Finish the title of Billy Joel's signature song: "Piano ______".
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Jadarite is a borosilicate with sodium, lithium and fluorine, which happens to be the formula given to what imaginary substance in Superman Returns?"
Mixed Trivia Questions
Not a single player scored an 8 or higher
Average Score: 9
60% knows the answer to this question:
"Which of these words means "to examine carefully"?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is the capital of the Philippines?"