What's the name of the family in "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"?
Question 3 of 15
Which of these European countries is not particularly famous for the wine it produces?
Question 4 of 15
What animal lugs around a giant hump of fat and has a third eyelid to protect their eyes from sand?
Question 5 of 15
Which Hollywood couple shared a birthday on September 25, although 25 years apart?
Question 6 of 15
The Great Barrier Reef is located near the coast of which country?
Question 7 of 15
What name describes a mammal that carries its young in a natural pouch on its stomach?
Question 8 of 15
Thanks to an ad in Melody Maker, Phil Collins and Steve Hackett joined what band?
Question 9 of 15
What instrument indicates wind direction?
Question 10 of 15
If an item costs $1.29, how much change would you get if you paid with two $1 bills?
Question 11 of 15
What 132-room building would you find at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
Question 12 of 15
Who sang the famous song "Single Ladies" (2008) ?
Question 13 of 15
Which orange breakfast drink became popular when NASA started using it on Gemini flights?
Question 14 of 15
What is the point on the Earth's surface immediately above the focus of an earthquake called?
Question 15 of 15
Who kills a black lab named Pippet and five people: skinny dipper Chrissie Watkins, a boy named Alex Kintner, amateur shark hunter Ben Gardner, an unnamed man and Captain Quint?
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